
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Mapas de Colombia

Lamento que los mapas no estuvieran en el blog, pero hubo un problema con el post.... los vuelvo a colocar... No olviden llevar el Atlas

Sunday 1 September 2013

To see before the evaluation

Guys... because of the strike we didnt have the last class, so there are things to be studied and checked before the evaluation. Here are some videos to help you...



Sunday 25 August 2013

A reading that could be helpful for your presentations

Guys, here you have a reading that could be useful for your presentation work. Please remember that the rubric and specifications of the presentations are below the videos here on the blog...

Friday 23 August 2013

Some Videos to help you to understand the topics we have studied in class

Who were called Creoles....

How did people comunicate in the independence time?

What did the artists paint in the independence time?

Did Napoleon helped to our independence?

Who did rule during the independence?

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Latin American Leaders Activity

Here you have the rubric and the parts of the work you have to do... Remember that it is for the second class of the 7th cycle...

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Sixth Product... Please print this out for the cycle 5...

Here you have the product for the cycle 5...

Fourth and fifth activities

Those activities are at the end of this file.....

Third Activity

Questionnaire about independence:

Second activity, product already done

For the second activity you had to create a cartoon about independence...

First product already done

First activity ...

Topics third term

Here you have all the topics we are going to study this term....

-Latin American Independence
-The process of independence: Bolivar and San Martin.
-Administrative Policies in Latin America. Economic and social conditions in Latin America nineteenth century. 
-Physical and economic geography of America

Sunday 28 April 2013

Berlin conference

Here you have the worksheet for the last class of the second term...

Here you have other readings that can be useful for you....

Europeans in Asia... Asiatic imperialism

Here you have the presentation that explains the opium wars... afterwards you can find the activity...

People before and during colonialism in Africa

Here are the readings... you have to read one at home and print out other and take it to school for the class...

How did Europe expanded to Africa?

Here you have a presentation... at the end you have the questionnaire for the class... Don't forget to take your atlas to the class.

Geography class... Africa!

Below you have two maps to print out and take to school for working there... Don't forget to take your atlas to the class.

Labour movement

Here you have the labour movement and socialism outlines... there you find the main happenings of both

Labour movement outline

Socialism outline

Here you have a picture you have to print out and take to the labour movement class.... it is for the first part of the project...

Class one and two... Blood Diamond


Here you have the activity you have to print out to solve in class about the movie "Blood diamond"

Welcome to the second term!! Topics

Generative Topic

Race and poverty

Through lines

 Is the race a common thing that causes poverty? Why is Africa so poor?

Understanding goals

1. The student will develop understanding of the main features of the category of imperialism and the context that allowed its development in the nineteenth century.
2. The student will develop understanding about the impact of imperialism in Africa and Asia in the nineteenth century.
3. The student will develop understanding of the physical characteristics of the African continent.


*      Labour movement and socialism
*         Physical Geography of Africa.
*         Imperialism.
*         European geographical expansion
*         Nineteenth-century Africa: Characteristics of the colonized peoples.
*         Asia: colonialism tradition and modernization
*         Berlin Conference. 
*      Europe in the late nineteenth century

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Industrial Revolution

Here you have the presentation we are working on now...!

Napoleonic Era

Here you have the presentation we were working about Napoleon, there you would find information that could be useful to study...

Tuesday 26 February 2013

French Revolution

Presentation worked in class....

Other paintings for the project

Here you have more paintings if you want to change some of those for your project.

Project part 2: Painting Analysis

Here you have the tool for the second part of the project. Remember that in the first part we analysed some paintings in class, and then you printed some paintings out.

In this second part, you will have to work with this tool to interpret the paintings you selected.

Friday 22 February 2013

Thursday 14 February 2013

First paintings to select for the project

Here you have some of the paintings we are going to contrast in Class. If you find that would like to work anyone of them for the project, please print it out.

Enlightenment Presentation

Here you have the presentation we worked in the class

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Readings and Activities for the cycle 4

Dear pupils, here you have some documents that you have to read for the Cycle 4, please don't do the activities, those are going to be worked in class....

Englightenment notes


*         The Enlightenment
*         Fall of the Old Regime
*         The French Revolution causes and development
*         Napoleonic Empire
*         The Industrial Revolution
*       Labour movement and socialism