
Tuesday 26 February 2013

French Revolution

Presentation worked in class....

Other paintings for the project

Here you have more paintings if you want to change some of those for your project.

Project part 2: Painting Analysis

Here you have the tool for the second part of the project. Remember that in the first part we analysed some paintings in class, and then you printed some paintings out.

In this second part, you will have to work with this tool to interpret the paintings you selected.

Friday 22 February 2013

Thursday 14 February 2013

First paintings to select for the project

Here you have some of the paintings we are going to contrast in Class. If you find that would like to work anyone of them for the project, please print it out.

Enlightenment Presentation

Here you have the presentation we worked in the class

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Readings and Activities for the cycle 4

Dear pupils, here you have some documents that you have to read for the Cycle 4, please don't do the activities, those are going to be worked in class....

Englightenment notes


*         The Enlightenment
*         Fall of the Old Regime
*         The French Revolution causes and development
*         Napoleonic Empire
*         The Industrial Revolution
*       Labour movement and socialism